Projekt Imageb

Mid Term Evaluation of the Project (KOSANA)

Vende të lira pune

Objective of assignment

The main objective of the assignment is to undertake the Mid-Term Evaluation of the project. In this context, the consultants should assess the relevance of the project design, analyze the degrees of which the results have been achieved and to which extend the outcomes have been reached at the time of the evaluation, compared with what had been anticipated in the project document. Further, the consultants will assess the anticipated sustainability of the project and provide recommendations to improve its impact and sustainability. In this context the consultants should:

Analyse the results and the outcomes reached at the time of the evaluation, compared with what had been anticipated in the project document;
Analyse the project’s management and monitoring;
Analyse the project using the following evaluation criteria: (1) Relevance, (2) Effectiveness, (3) Efficiency, (4) Sustainability. Also, the evaluation criteria should take into account crosscutting aspects like Good governance, gender, and environment.
The application documents should be sent by 10th April, 2018 at [email protected]
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