The strategic partner of KOSANA partner supported by Solidar Suisse Kosova, the Action for Mothers and Children have undertaken coordination of K10 Coalition, which aims to monitor and advance the policies, legal infrastructure and increase awareness on sexual reproductive health and reproductive rights in Kosovo through consistent advocacy work, based on evidence and through mobilization of the civil society in a single Coalition that will advocate for increased governmental focus on reproductive health, including advocating for offering these services as part of the basic package of services within the health insurance scheme.
“K10 Coalition will support and facilitate the initiatives of its member organizations, including strategic communication, cooperation and collective advocacy for policies for the wellbeing of women, youngsters and the entire Kosovar community. Members of K10 are ; Adolescents of Kosovo , Association for education and health development, ARtpolis, Helath for all, KOPF, PEN , PRAK and RRGGK