Solidar Suisse Strategy

Strategy 2020-2024 in a nutshell

The world of the coming years will continue to be marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (« VUCA»). For this reason, this new strategy was developed with the goal to enhance Solidar Suisse’s resilience, understood as our ability to adapt to and thrive in an unpredictable, demanding future. In order to do so, Solidar Suisse chose to adopt the Oxford University’s Scenarios Approach, geared to cope with turbulences, uncertainties, novelties and ambiguities, thereby strengthening an organisation’s ability to cope with shifts and shocks.

Our vision is a just and fair world free from discrimination, exploitation and violence where people’s basic needs are met, and their human rights are fulfilled. Everyone benefits from decent work, social justice, equal opportunities and democratic participation. To achieve this vision, we advocate via campaigns, build partnerships and implement development and humanitarian projects in less well-off regions of the world. All our actions are based on strong values such as solidarity, human rights, outspokenness, accountability, transparency, inclusiveness and equality, empowerment and professionalism. Our work is based on various norms, legal frameworks and multilateral agendas such as the UN Agenda 2030, the Human rights conventions, International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards and internationally agreed humanitarian standards and codes of conduct. This strategy includes reshaping our worldwide institutional and programmatic architecture through a concentration on less focus countries with operational presence, while building stronger local partnerships. A range of strategic goals are outlined, all contributing to a thriving organisation with significant and demonstrable contribution to necessary changes in our societies towards a more just world. These goals define our ambition to remain a relevant and outstanding NGO in the campaigns, development and humanitarian sector. We plan to converge our approaches into more holistic, collaborative and agile ways. We will do so by further shaping our thematic and programmatic work. Our three instruments (campaigns & advocacy, development cooperation, humanitarian action) will be further strengthened in order to bring about positive changes in the lives of people in the three domains economy and work, disasters and crises and democracy and civil society. The strategy sets the future course for our positioning, marketing, fundraising and communications. We aim to become more transparent, visible, recognised and impact-oriented. Plus, we explore ways how to inspire, engage and mobilise the young generation. Finally, we have defined ways to maintain and enhance our organizational fitness in key domains such as finances, IT, quality management and human resource management. Being a people business, we rely on best qualified and most motivated staff. We are grateful to our staff on all levels who contributed to this strategy. The board of trustees endorsed this strategy on the 24th of September 2019.
