About Us

Solidar Suisse is a Swiss non-profit organization which campaigns worldwide for decent work and democratic participation and implements humanitarian action. The NGO has been involved in international cooperation for more than 80 years and builds on long experience and institutional expertise in both development cooperation and humanitarian action. Solidar Suisse was founded by the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions and the Social Democratic Party as Swiss Labour Assistance in 1936... Organized as an association, the bulk of our membership consists of collective members and several thousand single members. Solidar Suisse is a member of SOLIDAR, a European network of more than 60 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. We are a partner of Alliance Sud, the Swiss alliance of some of the largest NGOs active in International Cooperation

Our Vision

Our vision is a just and fair world free from discrimination, exploitation and violence where people’s basic needs are met, and their human rights are fulfilled. Everyone benefits from decent work, social justice, equal opportunities and democratic participation.

Our Mission

We put solidarity into action in global and local campaign, development and humanitarian projects in less well-off regions of Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. We fight for decent work, democratic participation, social justice worldwide and we act in humanitarian crises after natural and man-made disasters. With foresight and ambition, we eliminate social wrongs, and create possibilities and prospects for disadvantaged people.



Solidar Suisse supports individuals and communities in acute distress with humanitarian assistance which is provided timely and responds to their priority needs. Emergency assistance is provided with a view to longer term recovery efforts, and by supporting self-reliance capacities of our target groups. We work in a coordinated and accountable manner, supporting local response capacities, and adhering to humanitarian principals and recognized standards


The domain fair economy and decent work contains the areas of sustainable production and consumption; labour rights and social protection; improved access to the job markets and reduced extreme labour exploitation.


The domain equal just and inclusive societies includes just access to public services and resources; inclusive and participatory decision-making and transparent and accountable institutions
