In frame of global entrepreneurship week Solidar Suisse Kosova modestly has supported the innovation days respectively the activities realized in Innovation Center in Istog CBS which have been organized by project financed from Europian Comission ““Harnessing innovation and entrepreneurship in a cross-border region Kosovo and Montenegro’’ implemented by STIKK in partnership with NGO Syri i Vizionit.
On date November 19th under evaluation of jury members consisted from Vigan Budima HEAD OF ADVANCED INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICE / ASSECO SEE, Etnik Blakaj CEO / ZETTA TECHNOLOGIES and Syzane Baja PROGRAM COORDINATOR SOLIDAR SUISSE KOSOVA have been selected up to 10 innovative ideas by awarded with a total grant of 3,000.00 € per idea. Ideas have for aims to to contribute to sustainable economic development by fostering innovation & entrepreneurship in the tourism industry. In addition, some ideas included creating tourist packages, the worthiest representation of the tourism sector as a potential for the growth of economy.