Are you a student interested in public policies and
If yes, then please apply for our second call for participatiasdon in our
Independent research work on important policy issues of a society is key, as it can produce an unbiased assessment of such issues and support constructively policy making process. From policy identification to policy evaluation and reformulation. It is especially important as it allows a constructive and informed public discourse of such issues. Solidar Suisse would like to continue to use its expertise in this area in the coming phase to support young peoples’ initiatives. These initiatives are intended to aim at social justice but will not be further narrowed down thematically at programme start.
A first hurdle for political participation and co-determination is often the lack of information. Solidar Suisse would therefore like to improve access to information on political business in the coming phase of the programme. This includes background information, but also information on the positions of the various political forces. A grant scheme might be a possible project type to identify citizens’ initiatives and provide support in the areas of information (research and surveys), position (development of position papers and policy briefs) and promotion (media relations, campaigns or communication with authorities). Projects to oppose gender-based violence or in the field of political education for young people and the promotion of their political participation are also possible Interventions within this component.
Students in an organised form can make this happen. One of them is Vimentis, a Swiss Student’s association. . Every year they also conduct the largest neutral political online survey and publish blogs of leading national parliamentarians. Their impact has been astonishing. We, at Solidar Suisse, think that this may work in Kosovo too.
If you are interested to be part of such initiatives, to gain access to excellent research and to become part of a vibrant research teams with Swiss colleagues on different policy issue topics, publishing simple, neutral texts on important political issues, conducting neutral political online surveys and publishing blogs of leading members of the national parliament.
Please apply by sending a letter of interest and your Curriculum Vitae in the email bellow. Please do so by August 10th, 2020.
For more detail information please click in the document below