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Solidar Suisse (former SLA, Swiss Labour Assistance) is a politically, religiously and ideologically independent non-governmental organization with its registered seat in Zurich, Switzerland. Solidar Suisse has been founded by the Swiss trade unions and the Swiss Social Democratic. The main areas of work of Solidar Suisse are “Decent work”, Strengthening Participation and Democracy” and Humanitarian Aid. In Kosovo Solidar Suisse is active since 1999. As of January 2021 continued the second phase of the project implementation of Youth and Employability to establish and improve career orientation and job placement services for pupils, students and jobless young people. Through the cooperation with its partner organisations, Solidar Suisse seeks to build an alliance of like-minded organisations, respective authorities and employers in order to promote career orientation and increase the professional perspectives for young people. The second sphere of intervention of the youth employability component will be the creation of learning opportunities for practical skills. This will be achieved through better practical learning in formal vocational training e.g. internships or non-formal training courses. Solidar Suisse therefore will enforce its cooperation with employers, branch or professional organisations. In addition, the Soldiar Suisse through “Lets’s Debate Change” and InformED will improve access to reliable and evidence-based information related to burning concerns of citizens, debate skills and Advocacy capacity of civil society organisations or individuals (young people) and the dialogue between public authorities and civil society.
Solidar Suisse invites individuals or companies to submit their letter of interest for photo shooting of Solidar Suisse’s South East Europe 2021 – 2024 in Let’s Debate Change, InformED and Youth and Employability projects.


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