The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) has begun drafting a school-parent communication strategy for career guidance of lower secondary school students, respectively the 9th grade students who have the transition to upper secondary education and choose their occupation. This strategy aims to establish a regular two-way communication school-parents through sustainable mechanisms in order to strengthen the role of parents in guiding their children towards an informed career choice.Today was conducted the first meeting of the Working Group appointed by MEST to draft this strategy. In the coming days, MEST will also have focus group discussions with teachers and will interview parents to better understand influencing factors for an effective school-parent communication for career guidance of 9th grade students based on information on the trends and demands of the labor market.This initiative of MEST is supported by “Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE)” project of Swiss Agency for Cooperation (SDC) implemented by the consortium HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Kosovo (HSIK) and Management Development Associates (MDA), as well as in close cooperation with “ProKarriera” project of Solidar Suisse Kosovo implemented by Syri i Vizionit.
12 September 2017