Projekt Imageb

Thirrje për Aplikim: Per fotograf/e profesionist

Vende të lira pune


Solidar Suisse invites individuals or companies to submit their letter of interest for photo shooting of Solidar Suisse’s programmes in Kosovo Health Dialogue-KOSANA and Youth and Employability projects

General requirements; The pictures should show people in action (“dynamic portrait”).As in every good portrait, personalities should be cognizable (faces respectively eyes should be visible). The picture should show a positive situation (thanks to the project) in a bad environment. The picture should represent a positive aspect in a difficult environment. Whenever possible description of the picture in words indicating names of people and places

KOSANA: Portraits of patient – health care personnel – interaction (diabetic, mothers and babies etc.) Pictures of alarming situation in health care lacking or bad infrastructure, bad state of buildings, rooms etc. If possible combining these two “messages” in one picture. Ev. Portraits of Roma, of Students or of families with members with autism etc. Youth and Employability; Portraits of students in an internship at work. Portraits at a vocational school in tourism, ICT or food processing (student – teacher – interaction). Portraits of young workers in the hotel and tourism industry, ICT at work. Pictures of situation in vocational schools (equipment)
All documents and final offer should be address to [email protected] and [email protected] . Deadline for submission until 23 January 2017, Monday 16.30h.

