22 August 2016; has been showed the premiere of the documentary “LIVES”” which features some of the reasons for short life expectancy of the Ashkali, Roma and Egyptian communities. In event has been distributed and presented also policy briefs that represent health situation of the three communities mentioned above.
Results and project products are part of project KOSANA and “Health for All: Confronting a health crisis and Human Rights” which aim to raise awareness of Kosovo citizens and institutions about the health problems these communities face, and present several recommendations to improve their living and health situation.
This project is financed by the Solidar Suisse Kosova supported by Swiss Development and Cooperation in Switzerland and Treasure Club 0.07%, and it is implemented by Balkan Sunflower Kosovo.
Balkan Sunflowers Kosova (BSFK) is one of the main KOSANA project partner and has played crucial role in empowerment of civil society in particular of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian in advocacy and lobby of their position towards health insurance scheme.