Association of Patient Rights in Kosovo PRAK with support of Solidar Suisse Kosova has organized a discussion table with subject” Health insurance starts?” which have gather key stakeholders to discuss about premium collection, challenges and expectations. PRAK things that processes should be developed conform the Health Law by contracting first the services of health provider and then to start with premium’s collection. According to PRAK yet the preconditions are not fulfilled for successful start of Health Fund functionality. However, premiums collections start beginning of 2017. PRAKare in favour and interested that health insurance starts successfully thus the ask for;
To set up the Health Fund before premium’s collection
To respect the World Bank’s recommendation that premium from 7% to decrease on 5%
The amount of copayment from service pricelist “pocket” based on WHO criteria’s to not exceed the 15% of total health expenditures
While Ministry of Health notified that they have done the plans and projects about premium collection and mainly is based on three pillars; increasing the budget for medicaments and materials, payment per performance per municipality, connection and dialogue with citizens through communication and information strategy
For more conclusions of the discussion click at